Focused and Effective Online Driver Improvement Education Can Teach a Proper Mental Approach to the Driving Task While Aiding in Building Effective Core Habits.
The realities faced by drivers on today’s roadways are dramatically different from years gone by and the changes affect everyone. Distracted driving as a primary cause of serious traffic accidents has increased to the point that it is now on par with driving under the influence. The rapid market adoption of technologies such as smart phones, GPS navigation devices, onboard integrated satellite music and video and other screen based technologies is directly correlated too increased traffic accident rates. This of course does not mean that such technologies must by definition be a negative factor relative to the driving task!

A Driver Safety Epidemic!
Negative Technology Factors
The use of always connected technology devices such as smart phones and on-board navigation systems present a clear risk as strong contributing factors in our soaring rates of distracted driving accidents. A significant percentage of drivers on the road today have become so reliant upon maintaining a constantly connected state that they consistently act in a manner indicative of technology addiction. When the use of connected devices while engaged in activities such as driving a motor vehicle which demand vigilant attention leads to distraction and accidents then technology has moved into the realm of danger.
The lack of recognition of this risk and/or an unwillingness to act in a manner to mitigate this risk is a serious issue that can impact everyone. Due to the realities of space, time and distance while travelling at speed on our roadways, distractions associated with technology use that may only be measurable in a few seconds can be catastrophic. Combine this risk with poor overall manual driving skills and our increasing traffic accident and fatality rates are easily explained.
Leveraging Technology for Good
While it is clear that in many cases new technologies are resulting in new and dangerous risks on our roadways, technology is also changing our driving reality in positive ways. Most automobile insurance companies today are leveraging devices and smart phone applications to actively track driver behavior. The data collected through these activities provides valuable information relative to when, where and often why accidents occur enabling a greater targeted educational focus for driver safety initiatives. Most insurance companies provide an incentive for the use of such technology through insurance discounts. The NDSI is focused on working with insurance companies to ensure that online driver education is made available to a broader audience while also being more effective relative to reducing traffic accident frequency.
NDSI Technology Focus
The NDSI believes that todays connected technology provides unprecedented capabilities to deliver online driver education capable of improving broad driver skills. NDSI defensive driver and driver improvement course content leverages modern technology to provide high quality targeted skills education aimed at both an improved mental approach to the driving task and an increased ability to react to rapidly developing dangerous traffic scenarios.
The NDSI is focused on using technology for better content delivery. This includes unique on demand video content, graphics, images and learning systems integrated into our online course delivery. Through using technology to improve both the convenience of course access and engagement with course taught processes the NDSI is leading efforts to improve the effectiveness of online defensive driver and driver improvement education.

A key focus of the NDSI is to tremendously expand the effectiveness of online driver education by making such education easier to access. This objective is being achieve through unique course content distribution strategies including partnerships that enable individuals to access online defensive driver courses at little to no individual costs and through the support of multiple technology enabled distribution channels.