![NDSI – Our Purpose and Mission](https://nationaldriversafetyinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/mission-image.jpg)
CORE MISSION STATEMENT: The National Driver Safety Institute (NDSI) is focused on bringing online defensive driver and driver improvement training to a broad audience utilizing cutting edge, technology enhanced content focused on maximizing the potential training benefits for the purpose of increasing driver safety.
The NDSI provides effective online driver training content to drivers of all ages both through the NDSI consumer direct course channel – Defensive Driver Academy – and through consulting and licensing agreements with partners seeking top quality, custom tailored course content. The NDSI develops defensive driving and driver improvement content for automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, boats and other motorized transportation.
It is unlikely that the accident happened because he didn't understand what a STOP sign means he should have done...
Problem Summary
Most online defensive driver and driver improvement courses cover an extremely broad breadth of driving related content with an added emphasis on topics mandated by regulatory authorities. This often results in content that is both lacking in specific focus toward areas that will most effectively assist individuals with improving their ability to deal with modern driving challenges and content that is not engaging. The risks presented by today’s congested roadways full of distracted drivers are not best mitigated by repetitive review of what various regulatory signs mean! The fundamentals are important but targeting course topics and emphasis toward specific high risk scenarios is more effective relative to reducing traffic accident frequency. Presenting course content in a manner that is entertaining and engaging while teaching a fundamentally different mental approach to the driving task is sorely lacking in most online driver training environments.
Costs are another critical failure in the typical driver training approach. Most people who seek to take an online driver improvement course do so for a specific reason. That may include a court order, for drivers’ license point reduction or in order to gain an insurance discount. Regardless of what has driven their interest, costs are a frequent deterrent to course enrollment. While it may from a market standpoint seem logical that a high quality accredited course may justify a higher course cost, reality is that most consumers will either choose the cheapest course possible or decide to enroll in no course due to costs.
NDSI Focus
The National Driver Safety Institute believes that including all regulatory referenced course content and delivering extremely high quality content that emphasizes a better overall mental approach to driving while presenting specific driving tactics proven to reduce the risk of traffic accident are not mutually exclusive. The NDSI has developed exclusive cutting edge defensive driver and driver improvement course content that achieves these goals.
The NDSI is also focused on unique distribution channels utilizing both partnerships and licensing with the objective of increasing consumer access and utilization of NDSI course content. Through making course access both easier to obtain and cheaper the goal of expanding the reach of top quality online driver training materials will be achieved.
NDSI -- Making THIS Less Likely!
Final Words
The NDSI is moving forward with active efforts to both improve the quality and effectiveness of online defensive driver and driver improvement courses while striving to make such course content easier and cheaper to obtain. These efforts will work toward improving driver skill and thus decrease traffic accident frequency.